Wednesday 17 October 2012

Intertextual Reference #1 SONG

Sinead O'Connor's song 'Nothing compares to you' is an iconic song and video. It features her walking through a graveyard dressed in afull length  all black coat exposing long shots and establishing shots of her and the location. In contrast to this, there is a constant stream on close up head shots of her singing the song/lip synching. We can reference the video to our plans, part of one of our costumes of the female actress is her long black skirt which can be intertextually referenced to our music video.
Another aspect of her music video we can reference is when Sinead starts to cry. Planned in our video is around the lyric 'don't fight' to have a shot of a tear rolling down Emily's face much like in the screen shot of Sinead O'Connor. On the lyric 'don't fight'  is a shot of Emily'd fists tightening and squeezing together,, restraining herself from fighting against. This also links to Andrew Goodwin's theory, 'There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals' This can apply to our music video in a respect that fists are with fighting, so by showing her resisting from the fight is applicable.

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