Monday 5 November 2012

Cyber Goth Research

Cyber Goth is a subculture that takes elements from punk, goth, raver and rivet-heading. Unlike traditional goths, Cyber Goths follow electric dance music instead of Rock music. Cyber Goths also focus on the future unlike traditional Goths who base their style on the past. This is the generic image of a Cyber Goth. This style has been said to originate from the David Bowie craze, it is a fairly new and underground style and genre of music, yet to explode onto the streets. The unusual look of David Bowie has inspired so many. For example, Lady Gaga and other contemporary artists.

Cyber Goths tend to wear mainly black with hints of neon, bright colours or reflective material. Glossy materials give a plastic artificial look. Also huge platform boots. The girls especially have big hair, using hair extensions, or falls to exaggerate their look. Falls can be made out of yarn, fluorescent tubing, electrical wiring, also synthetic dreadlocks are popular. Piercings are all part of the entire look, they are a typical aspect of the outfit. Goggles are often worn also gas masks or doctors masks, to imply a medical fetish. Sometimes Cyber Goths mutate their faces and bodies, with implants to disfigure themselves and de-humanising look. Despite the look of the girl in the picture, Cyber Goths can sometimes dress androgyny it is also a uni-sex style. Their make-up can also be quite shocking, bright colours often matching hair or clothes. A trend is often that they shave off their eyebrows are draw them back on with a coloured pencil.

Cyber Goths take part in social acts like dancing
meet ups in a park for example. Music is also a big part of their identity, clubbing is a hobby or activity that they take part in regularly.  Mixing only really with other Cyber Goths, they are people they can identify with and who have similar interests. Also, they are quite an unusual sight because the genre and style is still underground, like with any unusual group, they feel like more of a community when together and in a group.

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