Wednesday 3 October 2012

Final Costumes

The Present day costumes will be as is in the pictures. 

Plain black T-Shirt signifying the 'dark side' of the relationship, the rocky argumental side.
Grey Jeans highlighting that there were some grey areas of their relationship - not completely truthful. 
Grey DM Boots suggesting he HAD the upper-hand of the relationship. (the renowned and long lasting strength associated with Doc Martens)

White T-Shirt speckled with black the white suggests she wishes she could go back to it being how it was, however the black speckles are the parts which make her believe it was the right decision to go.
Black Maxi skirt signifying the 'dark side' of the relationship, the rocky argumental side.
                                           Brown buckled belt making the fact that there was some difference                       between the two characters stand out. one of the reasons Ava left.
                                          Black spiked shoes suggesting that Ava sometimes lost her temper and became quite 'prickly' with Nile.

The Past or memories of the two characters costumes will be as in the pictures.

Blue Tye Dye top the pattern suggests a happy, fun and playful relationship, exhibited via the music video clips.
Blue Denim shorts again, a sense of fun and joy is represented via the colour.

Blue strap top delight and appriciation is shown through this colour on Ava in their relationship.
Black leggings highlighting that maybe there are a few things that Ava doesn't like to talk about/a secret kept from Nile. 

Turquoise shirt similarly to the other outfit, happiness and playful, featuring a minute pattern, showing small details in their relationship.
Grey trousers suggesting there may be one or two disagreements or situations that went wrong.
Grey DM boots similar to the trousers

Sky Blue shirt similar to before, exhibiting her contentment and happiness.
Grey Cardigan implying that there was/is some disagreement between the two of them
Dark leggings suggesting that there is something she is keeping from Nile or something she hates about 'him' or 'them'.
Black shoes similar to 'dark leggings'.

1 comment:

  1. To strengthen could you relate costume designs to genre and to brandstyle of similar bands. This is important to achieve Level 4. Ta!
