Thursday 4 October 2012

Music Festival Increase

Over the past decade there has been a large increase in interest and the popularity of music festivals, especially in the U.K. This may have been influenced by one of the world's biggest and most renowned music festivals - Glastonbury.
In my opinion, this is a result of 3 heavy factors. 
1) Local venue/Festival
Although a festival is a collection of 100's of gigs compiled into 1 weekend, the atmosphere, expectations and behaviour are the main differences between the two. 
At gigs, the event isn't that long, a few hours at the most, festivals are longer and more anticipated. 
The expectations at a festival, are to drink, relaxed vibe, possibly drugs, music, friends, camping, little technology, wellies/mud, community, the festival package as a whole. 
In contrast to this, in my experience, the expectations for gigs are, loud music, intense, drinking, moshing, dark rooms, tense vibe and excitement. 
Behaviour is also a main difference between gigs and festivals. At a festival, the behaviour of people generally tends to be relaxed, chilled out, friends, spontaneous actions, having fun. However behaviour at gigs is more deviant, daring and dangerous. People tend to play up to their friends at gigs (in my experience) 

2) Sense of Community
 One of the expectations at a festival is the sense of community around and also, strangely, the feeling of security you get from it. It is one of my favourite aspects. Having conversations with people you've never met before is an enjoyable feeling, sharing a mutual hobby/something to connect two people, whether it is a band, a tent or a political view. 

3) Technology
The spread of technology is so vast now, pretty much everybody above 13/14 years of age is expected to have a mobile phone, possibly even a laptop. Access to the internet nowadays can get you anywhere. For example, social media websites for your band, 10,000 followers on twitter, youtube 'famous' - youtube even pays people for making videos when they reach 10,000 subscribers. Going to a festival means you escape, phones, internet, gossip for 4 days. It is also an act of rebellion, getting away from families/parents for a long weekend and drinking. It is something that people don't do on regular occasions and can excite young people and give them satisfaction from doing something that maybe their parents would 'approve of' if it was in normal society. 

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