Monday 1 October 2012

Costume Ideas

The plan is to keep the costumes simplistic and representative or their relationship, the present and the past. 

Black and white - alongside low saturation of video.
Simple clothing - nothing with excessive patterns/ complex textures.
Nothing to detract from what is going on in the video.
Modest clothing - Clothing that covers a majority of the body. 

Simple clothing.
Bright colour - blue theme - co-inciding with the sea/river locations and the high saturation filters on the clips.
Vest tops/t-shirts.

Ultimately, the aim is to have a visible difference between the flashbacks and the present time clips. Despite the difference of them being together in the flashbacks and then on their own in individual shots the costumes are important. They reflect their mood also.
I think they play an important part in the video as whole. 


  1. Any screen shots from your raw footage will strengthen the above post.

  2. To continue from last post, screen shots and video clips from your raw footage, even if you're not using particular footage in your final edit.
