Monday 18 June 2012


Our initial choice of 5 bands/artists needs to be narroweddown to 1. After brainstorming some initial ideas, we looked at what kind ofgenre would fit best with them and what kind of sound it would agree with.

Lewis Watson, Bribry and Kankouran, were the final choices.I emailed each of the artists and racked their websites to find double checkthat they were unsigned, and also permission to use their songs. FIND THE EMAILS BELOW




After reading the emails, you can probably conclude that wehad the biggest connection with Tarek Musa from the band Kankouran. He was mostinterested in our project. This motivated us to want to use his band’s songeven more. When asking what the song meant to him/the band he replied with this:

“Rivers for mepersonally is about life and death. growing up, things changing. nothing staysthe same. life is always changing, there is no certainty from day to day. thatkinda vibe... its also about sharing that with somebody. that whole experience...its really a dark song, but its been done in a uplifting way.”

-Tarek Musa -Kankouran

This inspired so many new ideas to the project which is whywe decided to pick Kankouran’s song – Rivers. The band wanted us to let themknow how we do and would like to see the final video.

Another reason why we picked Kankouran is because the styleof music worked well with some images we have in our minds of what the videomay look like. The dynamic and pace of the song will compliment the editing toour advantage I think, by using jump cuts etc, it will look very effective.

It is also a personal favourite of mine which is why I putthe song forward in the first place. I am pleased we are using it; I think wewill have a very strong end result.

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