Wednesday 20 June 2012


To fit with the style of the song, we need to find a isolated, beautiful empty, possibly barren location. Looking at some local coastlines around Norfolk, and rivers around, they are not the image we are aiming for. Luckily enough My family own a house down in Devon, we are planing to travel down at the end of the summer with the cast and film a lot of footage then. This will be towards the end of the summer as the house is rented through the summer. I am going down on a family holiday to the house and I plan to take some stills and visit the loactions then in preparation for the shoot.
We also plan to film in Norfolk/Norwich area as well but having stronger locatins like the one in Devon would stand out and be different from the rest of the videos and give it an edge.

The locations we plan to use in Devon are as follows:

-Chesil Beach
-Beer cliffs
-Exmoor River
-Durdle Door
-Lulworth Cove
-Seaton beach
-Lyme Regis
-Cannonteign Falls

1 comment:

  1. Some great ideas watch typos. I assume you are going with "Kankouran". An enthusiastic start to Yr 13. Filming in Devon and Dorset would be great if you have strong planning in place so that the shoot can go ahead. Well done.
