Monday 25 June 2012


1. My first music video is from one of my favourite bands; The King Blues. They are a highly political band and fight for what they believe is right. I admire them greatly, they also express their views through their songs. The music they write is somewhere between the PUNK/ROCK/ELECTRO/ACOUSTIC genres.

'Set The World On Fire' is one of my favourite music videos because of the reasoning behind some of the actions in the music, the contrast between the two lives of the characters and also the representation within in it. When Gordon Brown was Prime-minister they rented a billboard and wrote him a very public message on it. This music video gives a glimpse into their beliefs.

This music video tries to highlight the ways in which different people/classes live. I think when the lead-singer 'Itch' hammers through the wall, it is meant to ironically symbolize equality and that there is no higher ground between the neighbors, but we all know that is never going to happen in the real world.

A few days before the shoot for this video, The King Blues wrote a letter to the Daily Mail containing their lyrics to 'Set The World On Fire'. This was the report of what the Daily Mail replied with. "The band sent a copy of "Set the World On Fire" to the Daily Mail, who responded by pulling every article, webpage and reference to The King Blues from everything they own."

In reply to this, The King Blues un-ostentatiously burnt a copy of the Daily Mail's newspaper in this music video.

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