Friday 21 September 2012

Genre/Identity Research

The generic characteristics of the song/band don't necessarily fit into a specific genre, it is a mix of many genres. In my opinion, it is a mixture of, indie-rock, hipster*, electro. The Internet will define these genres but I am going to give my own definition of them all. 
Indie-rock -  this is a form of alternative music to chart music. In my opinion it is the music in-between, music that you cannot directly categorise immediately. Within Indie-rock, the music style is mainly band music, e.g.- lead guitar, bass guitar, singer and drummer, ofter also a synth player/keyboard player. The songs mainly stick to a structure of- INTRO.VERSE/CHORUS/VERSE/CHORUS/BRIDGE/CHORUS/OUTRO. However some bands defy this which is where the confusion in the 'in-between' genres steps in. 
Hipster  -  Hipster 'music/style' is one that is often taken the wrong way, or many people believe it me and something else rather than its true meaning. It means doing your own thing entirely, not the generic-unimaginative style that is chinos, zip hoodies, vans and snapback hats. This is NOT hipster. Hipster music could be associated with bands like; Kankouran, Diiv, and Fredrik.
Electro  -  Electro is often associated with Hadouken, which is a heavy-electro band. They use, electronic drum kits, 2 synths, bass and vocals. However the 'Electro I'm referring to is the synth aspect of the band. The song 'Rivers' has a slight metallic sound to it which often reminds me of some electronic bands. 

A band with similar musical characteristics, would be into bands that are similar to their own. However, everyone has different influences, so there will be interest in different genres also, maybe in old-school rock, some pop-punk music e.g. - Blink 182, Sum 41. 
*the true meaning of hipster = individual, unlike any other, unique, original. Not chinos, snapbacks and chart music.

A band like Kankouran may read vintage fiction books, and newspapers. Some influence comes from newspapers and books. Some songs are written based on characters like Miss Havisham etc. Classical fictional characters are a good base for a song. Linking in with newspapers, they are quite political, have a strong opinion on Governmental issues, whether it be, Labour, Conservative, Lib-dem, or nothing at all. I'd imagine a band like Kankouran to be anti-monarchy. (In my opinion, I don't feel Britain really needs a royal family, but the argument is; the royal family defines Britain. The Queen is highly associated with the name of Britain, that could possibly be why they are anti-monarchy, because it is slightly rebellious, a touch of originality and slightly unlike everyone else - hipster. 

They would drink fruit ciders- Kopparbergs  and beers like Budweiser. Whenever I go to see gigs or concerts, this is what they tend to be drinking and therefore I associate that type of band with those specific drinks. In terms of food, laziness would be general, not much of an effort would be regally be put into food. However on special occasions, they may have BBQ's, and try and attempt  some kind of complex recipe. 

In terms of their sexuality, I think that the 'original' style of genre is pretty open minded. There is not a lot of prejudice from the bands them selves, if there was any it would originate from the audiences. However within the bands, there isn't a lot of contrast between sexuality, it is mainly heterosexual men and women. Of course there is room for homosexual men and women but there tends to be not so many.

Their interest in celebrities would not be high. there may be one or two inspirations who are celebrities, but they don't follow magazines, celebrity TV and similar mediums. Sticking with the idea of being 'hipster' it is down to the individual on who they follow or idolise etc but within the stereotype genre, it wouldn't be very stereo typical…

Ages can tend to be 16 - 45. Many older men/women have been in bands for 20+ years or they just get a band together at a later age. The older bands tend to stand out more because of their age and possibly get more notice. Similarly, young bands get the same. This could suggest a form of 'dead zone' in music. 
'Of Montsers and Men' a band
with 1 woman & 5 men.

The genre isn't prejudice against women at all. However there appears to be more men in the genre than women, it is not often you will get an all female band, women will appear, usually, in all male bands with the exception of a woman. I encourage this because it not only gives their music new contours to discover, but also creates a different sound and possibly a different spin on the way they look at (e.g.) composing the music. 

Nowadays, bands seem to either live together or very close to each other. This makes it easier for writing, recording, practises etc. It is also convenient. Their houses appear to be old fashioned, classical, old England style, or kitted out from IKEA. 

Clothes choice is completely down to the individual. However, trends within the genre seem to form. e.g. a style that originated  from this genre would be the top button of shirts being fastened. It is a smart casual look. Shoes tend to be Vans, Brogues, Doctor Martin's, Again, showcasing an authentic classical look. Blazers, skinny jeans, Baggy T's, Sophmore jumpers, Denim Jackets, Leather Jackets, Denim Shorts, Shirts, Polo Shirts, these are just some of the items of clothing you would expect to see someone within this genre wearing. 

Despite having an array of clothes listed above, small bands within this genre don't earn a lot of money. However, if a band makes it big time, do they then have to be categorised into another genre or are they another sub-genre of the one they are already in? In my opinion it is within the realms of the genre to be a band that doesn't earn much money. They tour with big bands and visit small pubs/venues for their own gigs.

The audience interested in a band like Kankouran and the genre it lies within, would probably be 16-25 year olds. I think that it is a young, forever changing genre of music, also affecting style, adults are more set in their ways, where as when you are in your teenage years, you are finding your identity, always changing style and appearance. finding your identity is a hard and long process that is constantly changing, much like the characteristics of the genre. New faces and bands are always being introduced into the indie-rock-electro scene and are found/discovered by the audience everyday.  

1 comment:

  1. Well done Emily. You've worked hard to define the genre and have tackled it admirably giving your own opinion throughout. In your comments about sexuality, you could rephrase this as the genre has a heterosexual 'profile' ... rather than state a certainty. The 'dead zone' comment is really interesting but needs explaining a little more clearly. "I encourage this ..." better expressed as "I admire/welcome ..."? You have suggested a broad taste in interior decor ... can you explain further?

    You clearly explain how genres shift constantly.
