Friday 1 March 2013


After receiving some helpful criticism, I made some changes to my promotional package. First of all, here was my audience feedback. 
Mag Advert Feedback

Initial Mag Advert
After taking in my feedback on my magazine advert design, I realised that it doesn't reflect the images used in the digi-pack or my music video. Instead of amending the existing image, I felt it was too disjointed and didn't connect with the images being used in the rest of the promotional package. I created a whole new design, however using the same information. I wanted it to reflect the individuality of the band. Therefore I looked for an image that reflected independence and possibly to an extent loneliness. After layering an image of the sea I had taken, adjusting the opaqueness, I devised a new design. As an advert I am much happier with the way it links with the band, the video and the rest of my ancillary texts. I took into account the feedback of making the website link smaller, and playing with the space and using it more effectively. 

Improver Magazine Advert

My CD cover was favoured, here was my target audience feedback for this section of my promotional package.
CD Cover & artwork feedback
The main areas that i concluded needed adapting or changing were the front cover (only slightly), the back cover needed more tracks. One of the comments is "needs to be more continuous - looks slightly random with wave in-between" To combat the idea that it looks random, it is the panel that the CD is going to sit on, maybe I had not made this clear enough. Therefore I outlined the CD shape onto the image just to clarify to my target audience, that is the purpose of the image. 

I tried out some of the suggestions that my target audience feedback had given me, I had doubts about the front cover, but it turned out to be so much better than the original look of it before. The sea wall panel I simply traced an outline of a CD onto it to make it more clear to the audience, that this is where the CD goes. On the back cover panel, I added more songs to make it more like an album instead of a CD. Here are my improved designs. 

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