Tuesday 5 February 2013


Hoodies are a form of immediately identifying someone as a stereotype in the street, it tends to be a negative stereotype. The BBC broadcast about the riots in London was hugely biased against Hoodie wearers and described them as "feral rats". There is more to this issue than it being kids trying to hide their identity, when actually wearing a hoodie makes them synonymous.

Some would argue that being synonymous socially excludes them from everyone else around them, this could be true, because of the fear built up around this item of clothing, sadly that is how some people feel towards them. This suggests that 'The Hoodie' has been adopted by young people as a signifier of distance and isolation from society.
However it also was inspired and influenced by hip-hop and rap music. Eminem is known in particular for having a hat or a hood up a lot of the time. He performs live with either one of the two and in his film, does the same. Therefore fans of a similar type of music would naturally adopt the look and style. The subjects Eminem raps about are not for the faint-hearted, and therefore young people with troubles or problems may listen to his music to help them in life. Hoodies signify strength, status and power, they are also the 'music of the gangster'. Some people fear rappers and hip-hop music which is maybe why the hoodie employs status strength and power because that is what people stand for when they wear it, almost like a 'self-fulfilling prophecy". This is a way of youth evolving their identity through hoodies.

When the London riots were in full swing, a hoodie is what the looters tended to wear to 'loot' as such. They described the riots as a result of what happens when the "fear of the police evaporates". Other quotes were "Mobs ruled the streets", "Anarchy came to the streets of London", "Police blame the social media". The social media were once again dragged into another form of unrest. Although social media was somewhat in this situation an 'enabler' for the riots and lootings to happen, it is how and what people use it for, which is not necessarily the aims of the site. The riots were triggered by the police shooting a young boy. Which is somewhat understandable, however the lootings were not to be excused and put under the name of the police shootings. However, in the broadcast the BBC did blame anyone apart from the youths and actually didn't mention any reason why the looters did what they did, there were no motives, other than 'Following the crowd".

In conclusion, some people wear a hoodie for comfort or sportswear, but that doesn't stop it employing fear and angst around the public. These feelings should not be there, posed over an item of clothing.

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