Tuesday 5 February 2013


I have made the decision to change the image of the locket on the inside panel  due to peer feedback. The comments I received back were enough to make me realise that maybe this image looks like I am trying to sell a necklace rather than trying to represent a song, band and album. 

I am changing this image to...

I feel this shot has more to say. It firstly equals the amount of images there are of each character, also it is suggestive that he is turning away, or walking away from a relationship.

I prefer this image now I have changed it completely, it puts a slightly different tone to the Digipack, it makes it more focussed on the story of the song and the video, which is ultimately what I would like to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. Emily could you post your print productions under this label without delay, then you can comment on tutor feedback and make suggested revisions before posting under Completed Productions. Thanks. Your blog is a pleasure to read.
