Tuesday 26 February 2013


The male in the target audience group would be aged between 16-25, have a heavy influence and interest in music and film, being creatively minded. He would wear boat shoes/loafers with the signature white socks of the indie genre, baggy shorts picking out the colours on the plain t-shirt. Another signature item in the indie genre is wearing a vintage or retro snapback hat on backwards, it puts a twist on the modern trends, which is a lot of the time what indie is really about. 

The female figure in the target audience would be the same age as the male 16-25, ben creative in what they do. The representation wears Doc Marten boots, a black miniskirt, and a classic gingham shirt buttoned to the top. She would maybe have un-naturally coloured hair as well alongside heavy eyeliner and eye make-up in general. 

The target audience that Kankouran attracts is unisex, either/both genders would listen to their music. 

- Most likely take care about their appearance and what they wear, making themselves stand out a an individual.
- Likely to wear skinny jeans/cut off trousers/fitted band tops/checked shirts/vans/Harrington jackets/denim jackets/headwear (beanie hats/snapbacks)
- Shop at places like Topshop/Topman/Catfish/Dogfish/Philip Browne/vintage stores/markets
- Probable that they listen to bands such as Chair Lift/The Killers/ Bleeding Knees Club/ Oasis
- More than likely to attend gigs regally and festivals
- Either may feature in their own band
- Spend time with friends at gigs/parties/hanging out
- At parties likely to drink and smoke
- Enjoy watching social realism hard hitting films, such as This is England, Trainspotting etc. 
- They will also enjoy classical books and also some controversial alternative books. 
- Likely to be intelligent young people and aspire towards a creative job in industry. Possibly getting a degree before working to their career path. 
- If not going to university, they intend to start work as soon as possible or apply for work experience or apprenticeship. 
- The stereotype of the target audience is a socially orientated social-group, which is often true. After getting audience feedback from a sample group, this is how it appeared to be, however this is not a representation of the entire target audience group. 
- To have an interest in music and film is deemed to be cool, having a wide knowledge about both also indicated intelligence. 

The audience interested in a band like Kankouran and the genre it lies within, would probably be 16-25 year olds. I think that it is a young, forever changing genre of music, also affecting style, adults are more set in their ways, where as when you are in your teenage years, you are finding your identity, always changing style and appearance. finding your identity is a hard and long process that is constantly changing, much like the characteristics of the genre. New faces and bands are always being introduced into the indie-rock-electro scene and are found/discovered by the audience everyday.  

The target audience may read vintage fiction books, and newspapers. Some influence comes from newspapers and books. Some songs are written based on characters like Miss Havisham etc. Classical fictional characters are a good base for a song. Linking in with newspapers, they are quite political, have a strong opinion on Governmental issues, whether it be, Labour, Conservative, Lib-dem, or nothing at all. I'd imagine a band like Kankouran to be anti-monarchy. (I don't feel Britain really needs a royal family, but the argument is; the royal family defines Britain. The Queen is highly associated with the name of Britain, that could possibly be why they are anti-monarchy, because it is slightly rebellious, a touch of originality and slightly unlike everyone else - hipster. Their audience would follow in their footsteps as some feel this is an alternative way of thinking. 

They would drink fruit ciders- Kopparbergs  and beers like Budweiser. When they go to see gigs or concerts, this is what they tend to be drinking and therefore it is associated with that type of band/audience following. In terms of food, laziness would be general, not much of an effort would be regally be put into food. However on special occasions, they may have BBQ's, and try and attempt  some kind of complex recipe. 

In terms of their sexuality, I think that the 'original' style of genre is pretty open minded. There is not a lot of prejudice. However within the bands, there isn't a lot of contrast between sexuality, it is mainly heterosexual men and women. There is room for homosexual men and women but there tends to be not so many.

Their interest in celebrities would not be high. there may be one or two inspirations who are celebrities, but they don't follow magazines, celebrity TV and similar mediums. Sticking with the idea of being 'hipster' it is down to the individual on who they follow or idolise etc but within the stereotype genre, it wouldn't be very stereo typical…

Ages can tend to be 16 - 45. Many older men/women have been in bands for 20+ years or they just get a band together at a later age. The older bands tend to stand out more because of their age and possibly get more notice. Similarly, young bands get the same. This could suggest a form of 'dead zone' in music. 

The genre isn't prejudice against women at all. However there appears to be more men in the genre than women, it is not often you will get an all female band, women will appear, usually, in all male bands with the exception of a woman. I encourage this because it not only gives their music new contours to discover, but also creates a different sound and possibly a different spin on the way they look at (e.g.) composing the music. 

Clothes choice is completely down to the individual. However, trends within the genre seem to form. e.g. top button of shirts being fastened. It is a smart casual look. Shoes tend to be Vans, Brogues, Doctor Martin's, Again, showcasing an authentic classical look. Blazers, skinny jeans, Baggy T's, Sophmore jumpers, Denim Jackets, Leather Jackets, Denim Shorts, Shirts, Polo Shirts, these are just some of the items of clothing you would expect to see someone within this genre wearing. 

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Final Digi-pack Covers

I have chosen a 3 panel template for my Digi-pack.
The numbers refer to which picture are going to be placed on each panel.







Tuesday 5 February 2013


Hoodies are a form of immediately identifying someone as a stereotype in the street, it tends to be a negative stereotype. The BBC broadcast about the riots in London was hugely biased against Hoodie wearers and described them as "feral rats". There is more to this issue than it being kids trying to hide their identity, when actually wearing a hoodie makes them synonymous.

Some would argue that being synonymous socially excludes them from everyone else around them, this could be true, because of the fear built up around this item of clothing, sadly that is how some people feel towards them. This suggests that 'The Hoodie' has been adopted by young people as a signifier of distance and isolation from society.
However it also was inspired and influenced by hip-hop and rap music. Eminem is known in particular for having a hat or a hood up a lot of the time. He performs live with either one of the two and in his film, does the same. Therefore fans of a similar type of music would naturally adopt the look and style. The subjects Eminem raps about are not for the faint-hearted, and therefore young people with troubles or problems may listen to his music to help them in life. Hoodies signify strength, status and power, they are also the 'music of the gangster'. Some people fear rappers and hip-hop music which is maybe why the hoodie employs status strength and power because that is what people stand for when they wear it, almost like a 'self-fulfilling prophecy". This is a way of youth evolving their identity through hoodies.

When the London riots were in full swing, a hoodie is what the looters tended to wear to 'loot' as such. They described the riots as a result of what happens when the "fear of the police evaporates". Other quotes were "Mobs ruled the streets", "Anarchy came to the streets of London", "Police blame the social media". The social media were once again dragged into another form of unrest. Although social media was somewhat in this situation an 'enabler' for the riots and lootings to happen, it is how and what people use it for, which is not necessarily the aims of the site. The riots were triggered by the police shooting a young boy. Which is somewhat understandable, however the lootings were not to be excused and put under the name of the police shootings. However, in the broadcast the BBC did blame anyone apart from the youths and actually didn't mention any reason why the looters did what they did, there were no motives, other than 'Following the crowd".

In conclusion, some people wear a hoodie for comfort or sportswear, but that doesn't stop it employing fear and angst around the public. These feelings should not be there, posed over an item of clothing.


I have made the decision to change the image of the locket on the inside panel  due to peer feedback. The comments I received back were enough to make me realise that maybe this image looks like I am trying to sell a necklace rather than trying to represent a song, band and album. 

I am changing this image to...

I feel this shot has more to say. It firstly equals the amount of images there are of each character, also it is suggestive that he is turning away, or walking away from a relationship.

I prefer this image now I have changed it completely, it puts a slightly different tone to the Digipack, it makes it more focussed on the story of the song and the video, which is ultimately what I would like to achieve.