Thursday 6 December 2012


After editing about 1 minute of a 3.5 minutes music video, we showed it to people from our target audience (16-25 year olds) and asked them if they understood the story line so far. To some it was slightly confusing, although the shots were well transitioned, we had not introduced the storyline quick enough, which for only a short video, needed to be changed.
We swapped some shots about to make the story be introduced quicker, then showed it to the same people and some other people who hadn't seen it before. We got them to tell us what they thought had happened and what they replied with was the story plan, which was positive feedback.
We got carried away with putting in shots that we didn't ned yet, giving them no significance in the place they were irginally in, whereas if we moved them, they held great significance. This just highlights the importance of editing and recieving feedback.

1 comment:

  1. To strengthen could you be more precise when discussing shots. For example, we altered the narrative structure which relies on flashbacks which amplify the theme of loss...... in the lyrics and instead replaced the shot with.....
    Thus the narrative strucure has a more linear structure.....

    I suggest in brief posts such as this you also reference Goodwin whether the content is about amplifying or contradicting lyrics etc etc.

    Avoid being too generalised.
